Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At Clutterbuck Insurance Brokers, we value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). This policy outlines how we collect, use, store and disclose your personal information.

Collection of Personal Information
We collect personal information about you for the purpose of providing insurance broking services. This may include your name, contact details, date of birth, occupation, business information, financial information, health information and other relevant information required to provide insurance broking services.  In dealing with us, you agree to us using and disclosing your personal information as set out in our Privacy Statment and this Privacy Policy. This consent remains valid unless you alter or revoke it by giving written notice.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information
We use your personal information for the purpose of providing insurance broking services and managing our business operations. We may disclose your personal information to third parties, including insurers, reinsurers, claims assessors and other service providers who assist us in providing insurance broking services.

Storage and Security of Personal Information
We take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Your personal information is stored securely and access is restricted to authorised personnel only.

Access to and Correction of Personal Information
You have the right to access and correct your personal information held by us. If you wish to access or correct your personal information, please contact us in writing using the contact details provided below.

Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or the way we handle your personal information, please contact us by email at by phone on (07) 5660 6230 or by submitting your query in our contact form here.

Changes to our Privacy Policy
We may update our privacy policy from time to time. The most current version of our privacy policy is available on our website.